Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Custer's Last Irishmen

   Part 5:    For Custer's Irishmen, 'An Seastán Deiridh' 
                                By Robert Doyle

In the conclusion of our series on "Custer's Last Irishmen," Robert Doyle describes the likely final moments of the Irishmen who rode with Custer's wing in the attack, and offers a post-script.
"With Their Boots On: Battle of Little Big Horn" by Michael Schreck
Click on the image for a larger view.

On a scorching Sunday in June 1876, the 7th Cavalry attacked an Indian village beside the Little Bighorn River, and there was hell to pay. In total, 35 Irish-born men in the 7th Cavalry were killed in action at there. The irony is that these men, and the other Irish in the 7th, played a key role in the eventual removal of a race of people from their native lands, much as their own race had suffered at English hands.

For the full article go to

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